Grocery Store Features

Product Catalog

Managers can create and manage a product catalog seamlessly. They can create multiple accounts to manage orders, organize catalogs, set up promotional programs, and manage customer queries.

Business Analysis Tools

Create comprehensive and detailed reports and management panels with a simple drag-and-drop interface to view business details. Such a simple way of analyzing business reports helps you to develop and prepare your operations.

Administrator Access

It allows regulators to allow or deny merchants to be part of the market after verification of their details in the registration form. It leads to the inclusion of real members in a cohesive environment.

CMS Management

Our groceries online app has a rich CMS feature, which allows controllers to control the entire market environment. It will also enable administrators to create, edit, and publish content on their websites.

Delivery Personnel Management

Its advanced delivery management system will allow you to manage your employees from a single location. With it, you can track orders in real-time, upgrade routes, and much more.

Distribution Commission

It allows regulators to manage and change commission limits for people involved in the marketing process based on various aspects of marketing.

Tax Administration

Based on your vendor details, such as location, products offered, and currency type, you will automatically be able to manage your tax rates without having to do much.

Subscription Package Management

Managers can define and implement a variety of customer subscription programs. It enables groceries to drive more customers without investing in a paid sales feature.

Financial Management

Financial management allows you to expand your customer base. Our Grocery delivery app Development in Australia have multiple payment methods and currency options, which help to reach merchants and buyers from around the world. If you choose to partner with our mobile app development company in Australia, you can avail yourself of all these features.